Current projects
A brief summary of current projects being worked on by Epi-Insight is shown in the table below. Contact Epi-Insight for more information on any of this work.
Health Security Expert: Support for One Health and Pandemic Preparedness in South Asia Region (54079-001)
Sponsor: Asian Development Bank
Country: New Zealand
Disease focus: Zoonotic diseases, AMR, food safety
Time period: 2024 to 2024
Epi-Insight role: Senior Consultant, Epidemiologist, One Health Expert
Description: Supported ADB's work in One Health in the South Asia Region including applications to the Pandemic Fund and miscellaneous tasks related to operational activities stemming from financing activities in the region.
Development of a PEDv focused literature review that focuses on transmission, biosecurity interventions, and elimination techniques
Sponsor: National Pork Board
Country: New Zealand
Disease focus: Porcine epidemic diarrhoea
Time period: 2024 to 2025
Epi-Insight role: Pig expert, Epidemiologist, Technical writer
Description: This literature review examined Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) by focusing on three main areas: Transmission (factors that influence PEDv spread within and between pig farms), biosecurity (farm and industry biosecurity practices that have been shown to reduce virus transmission), and eradication tools (methods that could contribute to PEDv elimination from farms or the broader US industry). The outcomes of this work supported informed decisions on the feasibility of PEDv eradication in the US.
Improve animal disease prevention and detection in India through improved One Health surveillance
Sponsor: Asian Development Bank
Country: India
Disease focus: Zoonotic diseases of livestock and wildlife
Time period: 2023 to 2024
Epi-Insight role: Senior Consultant, Epidemiologist, One Health Expert
Description: Assist in planning and implementation of the Government of India's Livestock Health and Disease Control Program, including funding from the GoI, ADB, and the Pandemic Fund. Objectives include assessing current challenges related to animal disease and zoonotic disease response and detection capacity, animal disease laboratory capacity, interoperability of existing data systems with environmental, wildlife, and human health sectors, capacity and competency of veterinarians, and the government's institutional capacity to operationalize One Health.
Strengthening the Institutional Mechanisms of SASEC - Regional Health Security through the One Health Approach
Sponsor: Asian Development Bank
Country: New Zealand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Maldives, and Myanmar
Disease focus: Zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety
Time period: 2022 to 2024
Epi-Insight role: Senior Consultant, Epidemiologist, One Health Expert
Description: Promote cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation on regional health security through the One Health approach to minimize the impact of emerging zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety to trade and economy of SASEC sub-region. Work involved drafting of One Health Action Plan with timeframe and responsible agencies for endorsement at the 2023 SASEC nodal official meeting, and implementation of three regional knowledge sharing events on Enhancing Health Security through Regional Cooperation.
Xenotransplantation of pig tissue into humans
Sponsor: Not disclosed (proprietary)
Country: New Zealand
Disease focus: Not applicable
Time period: 2019 to 2099
Epi-Insight role: Epidemiology consultant, Risk assessment, Veterinary surgeon
Description: Provide day-to-day operational oversight of a colony of high-health, specialty genetic pigs maintained for use as xenotransplant tissue donors. Responsible for SOP creation and management, animal ethics committee liaison, daily care, reproduction, biological sampling, and health monitoring.
Clinical trial support using pigs as a model for studies of human nutrition
Sponsor: Massey University Riddet Institute
Country: New Zealand
Disease focus: Not applicable
Time period: 2014 to 2099
Epi-Insight role: Veterinary surgeon, Project management
Description: Ongoing support of clinical trials for researchers at the Riddet Institute, Massey University, and AgResearch (a New Zealand government funded Crown Research Institute) focussed on use of pigs as a model for studying human nutrition. Have responsibility for all aspects of pig health and welfare, abdominal and minor surgery, catheterization, gastric gavage, pre- and post-mortem sample collection, and animal ethics committee review.
Technical consultant for the New Zealand Pork Industry Board
Sponsor: New Zealand Pork Industry Board
Country: New Zealand
Disease focus: Exotic, endemic, and zoonotic diseases in pigs
Time period: 2005 to 2099
Epi-Insight role: Epidemiology consultant, Veterinary surgeon, Technical writing, Data analysis and reporting
Description: Provide technical input and expertise around issues relevant to the sustainability of the New Zealand pig industry. Activities include producer education, liaison with policymakers, research consultation, technical writing, biosecurity, monitoring of import-export risk goods, representation at stakeholder meetings, support of Board of Directors, and farm visits.